Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trick-or-treating, also known as guessing, is an activity for children on or around Halloween in which they proceed from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as candy with the question, "Trick or treat?" The "trick" part of "trick or treat" is a threat to prank the homeowner or his property if no treat is given. Trick-or-treating is one of the main traditions of Halloween. It has become socially expected that if one lives in a neighborhood with children one should purchase treats in preparation for trick-or-treaters.

Halloween is the time to dress up as your favorite character and go trick-or-treating. Since Halloween is fast approaching I bet a lot of kids are already excited thinking of what costumes are they gonna wear and the free candy treats.

I hope mothers out there would give the chance to there kids to let them enjoy the spirit of Halloween. Every kid loves Halloween, of course. They’re like kids in a candy store only the candy’s free. Very exciting. But there comes a time when a kid loses interest in Halloween pageantry. When your kid puts no thought whatsoever into Trick or Treating until the day of, and fashions a costume from things on the floor in their room, they should probably stay home.

All good things must come to an end. And when the gravy train of free candy ends. I'm sure you will miss having their treat bags around to pilfer from for the better part of November.So I hope every kid will enjoy Halloween be merry while your still young! Make each memories treasured!

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