Thursday, October 17, 2013
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A lot of girls feel insecurity,a feeling of awkwardness wondering if they smell fresh down there especially if your lover is about to give pleasure. Same as your lover he is also puzzled what's hiding there in the dark. But if you are so stress about your having a "FUNKY ODOR" then sexual pleasure is not there already in other words your mood is already ruined coz your so damned concious about it. I think there is nothing to be concious about the scent of your womanhood. It doesn't mean that if your so bewitching beautiful,super sexy and hot expected that your lady parts to smell really good like smell of Cool Waters by CK. I know that's the mindset of other women then your wrong because thats not the normal scent.
Vaginas need not to be smell like perfumes or smell like a bay fresh freshener despite of all the advertisement marketed nowadays very convincing that the scent of vanilla should be wafting from your private parts at all times yeah right! tell it to the marines.
Vaginas on the other hand aren't supposed to smell "fishy". That's a big eeeeeeewww.
So what's normal appears to be somewhere in between two extremes. Some have no vaginal scent while others have a slight scent that isn't unpleasant. The key is to know what's normal for you so that you will know there is nohing to worry about as well as when there's a health problem at play.
Everything from having sex and working out to where your menstrual cycle can influence your below the belt aroma. Many women notice after having their periods that there is a different odor. That scent relates to the pH in the vagina. From an acidic pH level to less acidic. That can give you a change of scent that can make it smell a little fishy. No offend to guys reading my post. Also, a lot of women notice a change in the scent after having sex. Semen has just a basic pH so when you have sex it changes the pH in the vagina to the basic side of things.
If you can't tell whether your vaginal scent is normal or indicates a problem? check your underwear. If you have infections there is substantially increased of discharges. "White discharge,maybe a little yellow" is normal but when it's grayish and combine with an intense fishy odor that you can smell across the room or if the discharge is already yellowish green accompanied with itchiness or pain then this is really bad. You need to see your physician already it could be a sign of infection like yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis these are only one of the most common vaginal infection.
Here's the good news on how to keep your vagina clean. You don't need to do much. "The vagina is a self cleaning oven" it naturally excretes discharge that take off germs and bacteria out of your body. In fact the more you are so concious of the smell of your vagina and putting a lot of chmicals or fragrances on it the more it is harmful and can really cause you a lot of troubles.
In general keep it natural but clean. It's more on our hygienic practices sometimes. Kust keep it simple a warm water and gentle soap would do. "The less soap,the better". So just dont be overly concious you have the natural scent of a woman.
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