Sunday, October 20, 2013
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I have learned that If you want to work in "Google" you need to love big challenges and welcome big changes. They are looking for people who are good for Google not just for short time but for the long term. They are looking for four things:
Role Related Knowledge
How Yuo Think
As I watched the movie The Google Place in California is really nice and cool and everything is free from coffee,donuts,pretzels,fruits or dessert name it and you have it and they have also dormitories inside the campus. For me everything is perfect there and I am dying to try and work there actually it's one of my dreams to work there. It is really perfect coz Google is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace.
It is really a dream come true if you will be hired and be part of this prestigious company.
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These red velvet cupcakes are simple, elegant and tastes heavenly. Perfect cupcake to bake for Valentine's Day, birthdays and other special occasions.
Red Velvet Cupcake is so awesome. This can be eaten for breakfast or as a dessert during lunchtime. Furthermore, red velvet cupcake is also a good afternoon snack and can be enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee.
Do have an idea on how red velvet cupcake got its color? Don’t try to peek on the recipe yet, try to think if you can figure it out. Well, red velvet cupcakes are actually chocolate cupcakes with red food coloring. This explains why it has that chocolate taste all along.
Why is it popular? It could be the velvety texture, enhanced by the chemistry of buttermilk, which makes a fine crumb. Or perhaps it’s the cream cheese frosting, although that’s used only on more modern red velvet cupcakes – old-fashioned ones have butter cream frosting.
Or maybe it’s the seductive red color, emotionally appealing even though it has a negligible relationship with the cupcake’s flavorings.
People enjoy food with their eyes. It's part of the total package.
Contrary to the wishful eating of some cupcake consumers, there’s no cherry or raspberry component in red velvet. There is a lot of food coloring– this recipe has six times as much food dye as chocolate powder – and whatever flavors result from the chocolate, vanilla, buttermilk, sugar, flour, and eggs.
Red velvet’s intense color is a purely visual experience.
Here's a myth did you know that eating a red velvet cupcakes is more beneficial than working out based entirely off this famous quote of mysterious origins: “A red velvet cupcake makes the heart young again and wipes out the years.”
And And Emma Stone had this sage advice about what to do when faced with red velvet cake: "You're a human being,and life is wonderful so eat the damn red velvet cupcake."
Guys the best Red Velvet Cupcakes that I tasted is Phoebe's Cupcakery located in Maria Luisa Banilad and The Cupcake Theory located in 2nd floor Robinsons Cybergate. Try to check it out :-)
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I was really amazed this morning when I heard the news of one of our folk musician hitmaker openly admitted that he is in a relationship with a 16 year old woman. What is strucking is He is willing to marry the girl at the right time and He quoted that there is no bounderies for love like" you don't have to look for the same age as you are".
So what is a cradle snatcher this are person who prefers relatively younger sexual
partners or courtship partners. Someone who dates a person considerably younger than themselves.
For me I consider it so awkward and from the eyes of others it's really not nice to see you are in a relationship with someone 40 to 50 years older or younger than you. But, who are we to judge someone. Yes he is right that when you love someone "Age does'nt matter" as long as both of you understands and love each other. There is a lot of adjustments for both of them but it's a matter of time and patience since if you really love someone you need to accept each other whether good or bad.
On the other hand I know that you're thinking that Girls love older guys because they are secured,stable "financially". Yes, it is someone right that other girls are such an eye candy,gold digger bitch. Me? I’m convinced that older man/younger woman relationships can be as healthy as maybe healthier than relationships between age peers. They sure are more fun, once you learn to deal with the fact that you’re violating almost everyone’s idea of what a good relationship is all about.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
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Grand Theft Auto is a title that everyone knows. It’s the name of a series of games that helped define a generation.
Gaming has changed though. It’s been five years since GTA IV burst onto the scene, and in that gap between major GTA sequels, the genre has evolved. GTA V proves that it has what it takes to not only still be relevant , but to take survival of the fittest to a new level. It’s the kind of game that knows it comes from an older generation. But instead of trying to recapture that youth, GTA V instead runs with it and embraces that theme of old dogs staying true to form and celebrating what makes the franchise so damn popular in the first place.
GTA V does a remarkable job of providing each character with their own motivations. Switching characters is a major part of what makes GTA 5 unique, and it's as seamless as you could possibly hope. What's great is the number of moving parts in GTA 5 is astounding, the gameplay is damn near perfect, and though there are some lackluster side missions, the actual story is filled with memorable personalities that feel more fully-realized than even the best of GTA's previous characters. It's a remarkable example of open-world gaming at it's finest, and while it doesn't reinvent the genre or do anything all that new, it does so much so well that it's hard to find flaws in Rockstar's massive blockbuster.
GTA V is the game that once again sets a new benchmark in excellence.
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Ladyboys are among the most attractive ‘ladies’ you will see. They certainly take care of themselves and are often so convincing, with their big busts, sexy swagger and perfectly made-up faces that you wouldn’t know the difference. Actually many a sex tourist has been duped by these ‘hermaphrodites’. If it happens to you don’t be mad or embarrassed.
In recent decades sophisticated surgery has made it possible for men to become women through plastic surgery to create breasts, as well as changing sex organs. A lifetime prescription of hormones helps keep the testosterone out of their body. Bangkok surgeons have become world famous for performing sex changes or simple cosmetic surgery operations and they are much cheaper. But the reality is, most ladyboys can only afford the breast operation (about 1000 euros) while the organ change costs about 3 times that. Therefore most ladybodys are ‘transvestites’ (ie; dressed as women) rather than ‘transsexuals’ (ie complete sex organ change). In short, they have breasts and a cock – a she-male.
So, if you met a complete lady (who was a boy) you could have penetrative sex with her, but mostly you will meet a ladyboy – who is more likely to offer you a blowjob. Some men with bi-sexual preferences have gone the ‘whole-hog’ with a ladyboy, but if they are on hormone suppressants they probably won’t even get an erection.
Since ladyboys are still boys at heart you can expect them to be more forward than girls (especially in bars and discos – where a women smiling aggressively at you is likely to be a ladyboy). They can also be very masculine when angered, and have a reputation for being violent or pushy in a manner you wouldn’t expect from a lady.
So, how do you spot a ladyboy? Sometimes it’s very difficult and you can easily be deceived. Firstly, there are go go bars that are all ladyboys. Generally they don’t mix with the regular girl bars. Many of them freelance on street corners (they prostitute to raise money to payback the ‘tit’ surgery). They are also the most forward in the discos. If their voice doesn’t give them away, then look for suspiciously thin hips or large feet. But ultimately, it is those with the most perfect breasts, or most exaggerated lady movements that are ladyboys..
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A lot of girls feel insecurity,a feeling of awkwardness wondering if they smell fresh down there especially if your lover is about to give pleasure. Same as your lover he is also puzzled what's hiding there in the dark. But if you are so stress about your having a "FUNKY ODOR" then sexual pleasure is not there already in other words your mood is already ruined coz your so damned concious about it. I think there is nothing to be concious about the scent of your womanhood. It doesn't mean that if your so bewitching beautiful,super sexy and hot expected that your lady parts to smell really good like smell of Cool Waters by CK. I know that's the mindset of other women then your wrong because thats not the normal scent.
Vaginas need not to be smell like perfumes or smell like a bay fresh freshener despite of all the advertisement marketed nowadays very convincing that the scent of vanilla should be wafting from your private parts at all times yeah right! tell it to the marines.
Vaginas on the other hand aren't supposed to smell "fishy". That's a big eeeeeeewww.
So what's normal appears to be somewhere in between two extremes. Some have no vaginal scent while others have a slight scent that isn't unpleasant. The key is to know what's normal for you so that you will know there is nohing to worry about as well as when there's a health problem at play.
Everything from having sex and working out to where your menstrual cycle can influence your below the belt aroma. Many women notice after having their periods that there is a different odor. That scent relates to the pH in the vagina. From an acidic pH level to less acidic. That can give you a change of scent that can make it smell a little fishy. No offend to guys reading my post. Also, a lot of women notice a change in the scent after having sex. Semen has just a basic pH so when you have sex it changes the pH in the vagina to the basic side of things.
If you can't tell whether your vaginal scent is normal or indicates a problem? check your underwear. If you have infections there is substantially increased of discharges. "White discharge,maybe a little yellow" is normal but when it's grayish and combine with an intense fishy odor that you can smell across the room or if the discharge is already yellowish green accompanied with itchiness or pain then this is really bad. You need to see your physician already it could be a sign of infection like yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis these are only one of the most common vaginal infection.
Here's the good news on how to keep your vagina clean. You don't need to do much. "The vagina is a self cleaning oven" it naturally excretes discharge that take off germs and bacteria out of your body. In fact the more you are so concious of the smell of your vagina and putting a lot of chmicals or fragrances on it the more it is harmful and can really cause you a lot of troubles.
In general keep it natural but clean. It's more on our hygienic practices sometimes. Kust keep it simple a warm water and gentle soap would do. "The less soap,the better". So just dont be overly concious you have the natural scent of a woman.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
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Trick-or-treating, also known as guessing, is an activity for children on or around Halloween in which they proceed from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as candy with the question, "Trick or treat?" The "trick" part of "trick or treat" is a threat to prank the homeowner or his property if no treat is given. Trick-or-treating is one of the main traditions of Halloween. It has become socially expected that if one lives in a neighborhood with children one should purchase treats in preparation for trick-or-treaters.
Halloween is the time to dress up as your favorite character and go trick-or-treating. Since Halloween is fast approaching I bet a lot of kids are already excited thinking of what costumes are they gonna wear and the free candy treats.
I hope mothers out there would give the chance to there kids to let them enjoy the spirit of Halloween. Every kid loves Halloween, of course. They’re like kids in a candy store only the candy’s free. Very exciting. But there comes a time when a kid loses interest in Halloween pageantry. When your kid puts no thought whatsoever into Trick or Treating until the day of, and fashions a costume from things on the floor in their room, they should probably stay home.
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The most important thing here is to keep count of which foods you ate and the quantity of those foods. The attendants won’t ask you to pay upfront, but they will ask you, after you had your fill, how many of which dishes you had. Be honest. These pungko-pungko owners don’t make that much so conscience dictates that you be honest. Some pungko-pungko stalls also sell sodas and juices. Ask them if they do sell these.
The food might not be the healthiest and the locale the most sanitary to begin the day with, but Cebuano's who eat in"pungko-pungko" eateries are drawn by the affordability of the food. I have eaten in "PUNGKO PUNGKO" since I was a student. It's delicious and inexpensive.
Taken from the Cebuano word “pungko”, meaning: to sit. The pungko-pungko is not exactly the most sanitary of all Cebuano street foods, nor is it the most comfortable. You can spot PUNGKO PUNGKO near churches, along busy streets, outside school campuses, and an enterprising person has come up with a mobile pungko-pungko using a multicab.
But it is not just the price that brings people to the pungko-pungko. The effect is like when you drink Coke. You seem to want more.
But no matter how satisfied the pungko-pungko seller and buyer are, it's plain to see that the manner by which these eateries are run leave much to be desired in terms of cleanliness.
Despite these concerns, people keep coming to the pungko-pungko. It might be the price, the taste, or because one can come in with a free-spirited disposition and enjoy the food in the company of friends and strangers. But what is undeniable is that the pungko-pungko brings Cebuano's from all walks of life together.
"Once tasted, always wanted."
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Whats with this dirty ice cream and why everybody loves it especially children. I really love this also especially the mango and cheese flavor. Every time I hear the sound of the bell cling! cling! and see a man pushing a typical, yellow, dilapidated ice cream carts (which usually come with a sunburned sorbetero wearing a straw hat, ringing his little, rusty bell) pass by our house I hurriedly ran towards him and buy this famous dirty ice cream. I'm always tempted to buy one of those 10 scooper's: the sugar sweetened cone topped with 10 little scoops of either chocolate, ube, macapuno, or cheese ice cream.
Why is it very addictive one is never enough, really. You just have to have at least two of those delicious little suckers to really have your fill. Interestingly, every time I eat dirty ice cream, I always remember a certain era when cell phones were non-existent, when drinking water from the faucet was acceptable, and when women had less than two brands of cream for their faces. Somehow, dirty ice cream reminds me of the time when life was a lot simpler.
So why they call it dirty ? it is called dirty because it is peddled on the streets. the dust gets into the ice cream bins when the cart is open. It is called dirty because mamang sorbetero (ice cream man) is perceived to be unhygienic. observe his nails and how he handles the cones with bare hands.
Hmmm... Dirty Ice cream isn't really "dirty", maybe they called it that because of its dirt-cheap price...Honestly, there are times that I think the ice cream that "mamang sorbetero" sells tastes better than those commercialized ones... because mamang sorbetero's ice cream are made from natural ingredients...
Anyways, I can't resist. dirty or clean .......... i still love it .
i think it's just a given name ........... slurphhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
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I was really devastated when a magnitude 7.2 earthquake hit Cebu this morning of October 15, 2013. I am so glad that I'm on leave and it's holiday today so no classes it is somewhat a blessing in disguise since both me and my daughter stayed at home. But, it's quiet alarming when you are awaken that everything is shaking, things is falling down and you can't barely stand up.
A lot of infrastructures here in Cebu had massive damages. Including Basilica Del Sto. Nino partly collapsed. Some destruction's also happened to Cebu Doctor's University, Gaisano Country Mall (banilad), Ayala Center, Newly constructed market in Mandaue City. Let us pray for the safety of everyone. Until this time we are still experiencing aftershocks.
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